Become a Certified BWP Editor

Want to become a professional book editor?
Well, here something for you...


What We Offer

We seek the very best, most qualified book editors, and we want to assist those who likewise seek to become some of the finest, in-demand editors.  As such, we have created the Editor’s Certification Program to test and train prospective editors. 

In our editor’s certification program, we will try to assign editors to projects that relate to their strengths. For example, if we get a project that needs lots of paragraph development or organization, we will assign it to an editor who is strong in that area. We want our clients to benefit from an individual's special skills and interests. Therefore, our editor's test is more about determining an editor's strengths (i.e. grammar) and developing weaknesses (i.e. organization) rather than a tool to eliminate unqualified individuals.

We require that all candidates take the editor’s test, no matter their background or experience. The test is offered only on the third Friday of every other month, beginning in January and then again in March, May, July, September and November. It is comprehensive and contains varied sections that include punctuation, grammar, syntax, style, and writing. Results are scored per competency, as well as overall.

Once prospective editors get test results, they can go on to training. The 7-week training session is designed to provide comprehensive study of all the skills needed to become an in-demand, first-rate editor, a certified editor. The training is given online with a live instructor.

At the end of the training session, participants will again be tested to determine how much they have improved. Mastery is considered 85% or better overall or on specific skills. Editors will ultimately be awarded designations as substantive editors, copy editors, etc. Ongoing training is provided to those who decide to utilize our support services in their endeavors.

Our Program
We offer free manuscript or document analyses to all customers in order to identify consistent shortcomings, including grammar, syntax, organization, ideas, style, support, and more. This means we quote prices based on a thorough professional examination, so we generally quote higher prices because we actually perform more comprehensive editing than any other editorial service. If we command higher rates, then you likewise benefit as an certified editor.

As a policy, at least two people edit all client documents. Thus, if you become an certified editor, you’ll have the comfort of knowing that all your work will be professionally reviewed. Not only that, but we can also provide you with qualified leads and projects. Furthermore, you never have to worry about collecting your initial deposit or subsequent payments because we can do that for you. All you really need to focus on is doing what you love: editing and writing. Our job is to make sure you do that well without having to focus on business functions.

All trained editors are considered “independent contractors” and are paid on a per project basis with flexible options:

  • If you find your own project, we charge 30% of the gross amount billed for providing support services 2-6 from above.
  • If we award you a project, we charge 50% of the gross amount billed for providing support services 1-6 from above.
  • We also allow you to pick the services you need most once you find a project. Here are our ala carte rates:

After you have successfully completed training, you can utilize any of our editor’s support services.

Support Services:
1. Providing projects or client leads
2. Reviewing your work (senior editor checks the work before it is returned to client)
3. Pricing a project (quote)
4. Providing an analysis of clients' editorial needs (assessment of needs)
5. Invoicing and collecting fees (billing)
6. Regular training to improve skills
7. Insurance (dental savings plans)
8. Accounting and taxes


  • Command higher rates for service
  • Consult with experienced editors
  • Ensure that payments are collected