Editorial Services


Every writer, no matter the level of experience, needs help in guiding or correcting his/her work so that the content is published in its best possible form. Without great editing, a writer may lose credibility or readers as a result of deficiencies in content or concept. Deciding what type or level of editorial services you may need be confusing or intimidating. This is where we come in…

We provide:  

  • FREE basic writing review
  • Detailed writing analysis to help you determine what editorial work your manuscript may need to be its best
  • Manuscript critique that describes, among other things, the strengths, weaknesses and possibilities of a work

Here are the editorial services that we offer:

Writing – creating new text on the basis of content and research derived by the writer and/or author.
Developmental Editing – coordinating the writing process from book proposal to manuscript completion. These editors oversee a literary project, establishing priorities and goals, as well as offering suggestions about everything from titles to page count. They edit a manuscript for adherence to a writer’s overall objective and intent. In the final stages, developmental editors may incorporate input from reviewers and consultants.
Substantive/Structural Editing – making initial changes and suggestions to refine a manuscript’s scope or enhance story elements (plot, characters and setting) for better unity, cohesion and support of ideas. For example, this may mean adding/removing characters in fiction works and adding/removing concepts in non-fiction. Acting somewhat as writing coaches, these editors help to develop the content itself, which may require them to rewrite portions of a manuscript. This process occurs before copy editing.
Copy Editing – ensuring the consistency or correctness of grammar, usage, spelling, punctuation and mechanics; and editing tables, figures, and lists.
Proofreading – checking proofs of formatted, edited material for adherence to style specifications or standards; ensuring that corrections have been made; and identifying minor mechanical errors in copy, such as spelling and punctuation mistakes.
Rewriting – recreating text on the basis of content and research supplied by the author.
Fact Checking/Citation Checking/Reference Checking – verifying the accuracy of facts and quotes by checking original sources
Indexing –  reading and analyzing a work to create a systematic guide to the information contained in the work, consisting of headings and subheadings and their locators (page numbers),  arranged alphabetically or in some other searchable order


Why Choose Our Editorial Services?

  • We have already tested our editors, so you don’t have to do it. As a policy, we test all new editors to ensure their competence.
  • We routinely train our editors. As a policy, our editors must update and enhance their competencies.
  • We edit in teams. As a policy, we have at least two people to review your work.
We have personalized book writing and book editing services to best suit your needs and objectives.



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